
At the next meeting of the Parish Council the following planning and use issues will be considered.

If you have comments you would like to make on any planning matter please join us or email the Clerk at

Please remember you are able to make your own comments on any application through the WDC planning pages.

South Warwickshire Local Plan;

The consultation on the Preferred Options (Stage 3) has now closed.

Our thanks to all those who have attended our meetings and made their views known either through the portal, or otherwise.

The responses and submissions will now be considered before the preparation of the Publication version, which is the draft of that which the councils will submit to the Planning Inspectorate. 

This will be subject to a further period of consultation before actual submission which we expect will take place towards the end of this year before it is submitted in early 2026.

The Parish Council have submitted the following:

We have also worked to raise awareness  of the plan through our meetings and the Hatton Parish Post, and have funded the roadside notices.

We do not now anticipate any significant developments before the autumn, but if any do occur, they will be notified on the website, and in the Hatton Parish Post.

Previous major planning applications responded to by Hatton Parish Council after full consultation with residents

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Background - This was introduced in 2010 as a charge on any development over 100 square metres to support improvement of infrastructure in the area of the development in addition to Section 106 agreements which cover specific infrastructure. There are exemptions, notably affordable housing. It is likely the H28 development of 150 houses will include 40% affordable houses, so 90 will be subject to the CIL.

How Much? - The rate is set by the Local Council and my vary by location. For Hatton Park, Warwick District Council has set a levy of £195 per square metre floor space. Average floor area is circa 80 square metres so H28 will be subject to a levy of £1.4 million (90 dwellings x 80 square metres x 195) 15% of this, £210,000 is available to the Local Council for Hatton Parish. The remainder is available to Warwick District.

When? - This becomes payable on the granting of full planning consent and the commencement of the development. The amount per annum is limited, in this case, to about £90,000. The full amount must be spent within five years. Any remaining may be claimed back by the Local Authority, although it must consider the interests of the locality in its subsequent expenditure.

How May it be Used? - ' … provision, replacement, maintenance, improvement, or operation of infrastructure and anything else related to the demands the development placed on the area.' This is a very broad description and the term 'area' is not defined. It is possible to collaborate with the District Council or even the Developer. We hope to gather examples of projects undertaken by other councils.

Development of Two Houses in Hatton - The Council has received the sum of £4590 following the formula set out above and has consulted with local residents as to what the money can be spent on. Permission is now being sought to place a bench on the open greenspace next to the bungalows. Other suggestions are welcome.

Next Steps for Other Development in the Parish - This is dependent on the development of H28 going ahead as anticipated. At this stage we are simply looking for ideas. These will be discussed at the Parish Council monthly meetings and a working party to include residents and interested parties will be set up Please let us have your thoughts, either by email to the Clerk or by attending one of our regular meetings.

Warwick District Council Local Plan

Warwick District Council has confirmed adoption of the Local Plan -

Hatton Parish Plan

A review of the Plan was undertaken in 2018. This concerns our Parish only and was prepared by a volunteer steering group and was published in February 2013. It is also helpful in negotiations with WDC and Warwickshire County Council. It has no official status and is not binding on any of the local councils.

Neighbourhood Plan (NP)

May be undertaken by any neighbourhood (part of parish, whole parish, consortium of parishes or towns). Strict rules concerning preparation require professional support. Subject to examination, and also referendum it must conform to the Local Plan and cannot oppose planned housing numbers. Hatton Parish is not included in any Neighbourhood Plan