At the next meeting of the Parish Council the following planning and use issues will be considered.
If you have comments you would like to make on any planning matter please join us or email the Clerk at
Please remember you are able to make your own comments on any application through the WDC planning pages.
South Warwickshire Local Plan (‘Hatton New Community’ and other sites ) - Preferred Options Consultation. Action Required Link to Portal
Please follow the link to the Preferred Options Consultation The Consultation is now live and open until 7th March 2025.
Hatton Parish Council continue to ask for your views and all information already noted will be considered in their response. Please email us or attend our Parish Council Meeting on 27th 2025 January at Hatton Village Hall.
you may also find it useful to look at other reports
The Council also note that Keep Hatton Station Rural Group has been set up by concerned local residents. More details are available on their website.
May 2024 - Presentation to Annual Forum - please share your views with the Council as above- The SWLP will appear on the Agenda for future Parish Council Meetings and dates for responses etc will be highlighted on here. Click on SWLP for the official website for the plan.
November 2024; Response being considered.
H28 Land off Birmingham Road. Union View W/19/0933
July 2024/ October 2024; Warwickshire County Council Highways- Public consultation meeting at Hatton Park Village Hall
February 2024; Public consultation meeting, questions and answers given can be viewed here. If there are issues with the roadworks please ring TRAFFIX 0800 819 9901
January 2024 - Despite Parish Council objections the appeal was allowed and new residents and their service vehicles have access to the site via the construction entry.
December 2023 - Application by Taylor Wimpey to change conditions re entrance to and exit from the site objected to by residents and Parish Council and adjouned by the Planning Committee who required more information re safey concerns
October 2023 - Construction of the new entrance to begin. Roadworks and traffic management may take up to 11months.
March and April 2023 - Works continue on the site - regular meetings are held with the Parish Council as well as meetings with neighbouring residents. If you have ongoing issues are concerns please email the Clerk or attend a Parish Council Meeting so the councillors can hear your views.
January and February 2023 - Works continue on the site and there will be frequent traffic controls on the Birmingham Road.
October and November 2022 - Road closures and traffic light signalling for provision of services to the site
August 2022 - Groundworks commenced
June 2022 - Work undertaken on the construction vehicle entrance and sales signs erected.
7th September 2021 - Appeal upheld.
6th July 2021 - The Appeal against the refusal has been heard.
28th October 2020 - The application to vary the condition has been refused. The Council had responded with an objection as follows:
This application seeks to remove the developer's obligation to provide pedestrian and cycle access direct to Hatton Park via Ebrington Drive. It is noted that;
Throughout this planning exercise, Warwick District Council has insisted on the provision of this access. There is nothing in this application to cause it to alter that position.
In the preparation of the Warwick District Local Plan, 'Growth Villages' were identified by a points system based on the amenities available.
The points (at the time disputed) allocated to Hatton Park were just sufficient for it to qualify for this scale of development.
Without this access, the H28 site will effectively be isolated from Hatton Park and its amenities, and should therefore cease to be eligible for development.
The alternative routes of access to the shop and village hall detailed in the application are not viable. No reference is made to access to the school and public service bus stops, nor the village green/playing field. That to the north of Hatton Park we believe is further and involves a climb. That along the Birmingham Road is alreadly dangerous; this is a combined cycle and footpath and is too narrow for either to pass safely. This is the route that parents taking children to the school bus would have to take, probably with a pushchair, buggy or toddler. There is no indication in the application that this path will be upgraded.
This linkage is necessary for the social and communal integration of the new development with Hatton Park. Without it, the residents would not 'feel' part of any wider community.
The application offers no reason for the failure to resolve the apparently straightforward matter of land ownership.
4th September 2020 - An application has been filed to remove of the conditions of the Planning Permission - that being the access way/cycle path from H28 to Hatton Park - filed under W/20/1176 - Councillors will be looking at this very closely, taking advice and are keen to hear your thoughts before they file a response. You can email the Clerk in the usual way. You should, in any event, file your own individual responses through the WDC planning pages.
5th September 2019 - An amendment to the planning application has been received and can be viewed on WDC planning portal. The Council has a meeting on 23rd September and has asked for an extension to the deadline for the response to be able to take views. Individual responses should still be filed by 17th September.
The Parish Council response has been filed All parties who have comments to make should enter them through the WDC Planning Portal or by email to the WDC Planning Officer, Dan Charles - full information can be found under the application number.
H28 Background
March/April 2019 - The developers have asked for a meeting with the various stakeholder groups and the Parish Council will be reporting on this in the next edition of the Hatton Parish Post and at the meeting on 29th April.
November 2018 - It is likely that the Planning Application will be resubmitted in due course and then the consultation process will begin again. Gary Fisher from Warwick District Council Planning attended the Parish Council meeting on 26th November to receive questions from residents.
April 2018 - The Planning Application for the land north of Birmingham Road has currently been withdrawn by the developers. Hatton Parish Council had objected to the withdrawn application
Land off Charingworth Drive
July 2023 - Appeal refused
April 2023 - Appeal lodged against the refusal.
July 2022 - The application has been refused by Warwick District Council
24th January 2022 - Application W/21/2283 – This is a repeat application from the 2020 with slightly different layout. The objections to the previous application were reconsidered and deemed valid and it is definitely felt that the design of the development is not in keeping. The Council will object.
27th July 2020 - Application withdrawn.
26th May 2020 - Application W/20/0526 for the building of seven properties on land off Charingworth Drive, north of Smith's Covert. The Parish Council objected on the following grounds; the actual site itself, ecology issues and traffic management. Alan Rhead represented the Council’s views as Ward Councillor at the Planning Committee.
Ongoing applications; Care Home - South of Birmingham Road W/22/1410
At the Parish Council Meeting on 26th September this application was discussed and local residents who came along pressed their objection. The Council have objected to the application
it is noted that a planning appeal relating to this land has been lodged under W/20/1251 Appeal reference APP/T3725/W/22/3302164 - This appeal has now been withdrawn.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Background - This was introduced in 2010 as a charge on any development over 100 square metres to support improvement of infrastructure in the area of the development in addition to Section 106 agreements which cover specific infrastructure. There are exemptions, notably affordable housing. It is likely the H28 development of 150 houses will include 40% affordable houses, so 90 will be subject to the CIL.
How Much? - The rate is set by the Local Council and my vary by location. For Hatton Park, Warwick District Council has set a levy of £195 per square metre floor space. Average floor area is circa 80 square metres so H28 will be subject to a levy of £1.4 million (90 dwellings x 80 square metres x 195) 15% of this, £210,00 is available to the Local Council for Hatton Parish. The remainder is available to Warwick District.
When? - This becomes payable on the granting of full planning consent and the commencement of the development. The amount per annum is limited, in this case, to about £90,000. The full amount must be spent within five years. Any remaining may be claimed back by the Local Authority, although it must consider the interests of the locality in its subsequent expenditure.
How May it be Used? - ' … provision, replacement, maintenance, improvement, or operation of infrastructure and anything else related to the demands the development placed on the area.' This is a very broad description and the term 'area' is not defined. It is possible to collaborate with the District Council or even the Developer. We hope to gather examples of projects undertaken by other councils.
Development of Two Houses in Hatton - The Council has received the sum of £4590 following the formula set out above and has consulted with local residents as to what the money can be spent on. Permission is now being sought to place a bench on the open greenspace next to the bungalows. Other suggestions are welcome.
Next Steps for Other Development in the Parish - This is dependent on the development of H28 going ahead as anticipated. At this stage we are simply looking for ideas. These will be discussed at the Parish Council monthly meetings and a working party to include residents and interested parties will be set up Please let us have your thoughts, either by email to the Clerk or by attending one of our regular meetings.
Warwick District Council Local Plan
Warwick District Council has confirmed adoption of the Local Plan -
Hatton Parish Plan
A review of the Plan was undertaken in 2018. This concerns our Parish only and was prepared by a volunteer steering group and was published in February 2013. It is also helpful in negotiations with WDC and Warwickshire County Council. It has no official status and is not binding on any of the local councils.
Neighbourhood Plan (NP)
May be undertaken by any neighbourhood (part of parish, whole parish, consortium of parishes or towns). Strict rules concerning preparation require professional support. Subject to examination, and also referendum it must conform to the Local Plan and cannot oppose planned housing numbers. Hatton Parish is not included in any Neighbourhood Plan